Choosing your courses

During the spring term 2024, you will be making some important decisions. You will need to work closely with your families and teachers in order to make sensible subject choices for your KS4 courses, which start in September 2024 when you begin Year 10.

We have planned a thorough options programme that will support you through the process. This is outlined below:

Monday 8th January 2024 – Year 9 Options Assembly To kickstart and outline the options process with students

Monday 22nd January – Friday 9th February  2024 – Year 9 Options tutorial sessions and new subject assemblies – A bespoke options programme delivered in tutor time using unifrog to explore the options process and career pathways. Alongside this there will be additional assemblies introducing new subjects.

Thursday 22nd February 2024 – Year 9 Options Evening – Following a presentation from Mr Street outlining the options process, students and parents can get further information on the subjects offered directly from curriculum leaders.

Thursday 29th February 2024 – Year 9 Parents Evening – An opportunity to discuss current attainment and progress with specialist staff prior to making final choices.

Friday 8th March 2024 – Options Deadline for online forms to be completed.

The online KS4 prospectus outlines the courses that are available at KS4. Each entry gives you a brief summary of the course and why you should consider studying it. It also has links to the exam specification if you require further details. Our Curriculum Leaders have helpfully provided a short video which you can view, providing you with further course details.

In making your option choices, as a starting point, you should consider choosing the subjects that you are expected to have the most success in over the next three years. It is much easier to do well in subjects that you enjoy. It is important that you do not make decisions based on the staff teaching each subject, or what your peers are doing. There is no guarantee that these teachers will be teaching your class next year or that you will be in the same class as your friends.

Decisions may have to be made about whether certain subjects continue to be offered if only a small number of students opt for them. Additionally each year some students do not get all of their preferred choices. We will speak with students and parents if any of the preferred options are not possible or suitable. I will email a letter home for your parents to confirm your subject choices in the summer term 2024.

I wish you luck!

Mr Street

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